Friday, December 15, 2006

Merry Christmas

The Family

Thanks to all who have stopped by the past several days - and found only the same 'ol thing. I'll try to remedy that soon....

My wife had emergency surgery Thanksgiving weekend, so we have been experiencing a lifestyle change. Those used to being waited on are now trying to figure out how things work around the house. Thank the Lord for three children big enough to look after themselves - and who enjoy antagonizing their, at least for the moment, helpless mother. God help them when she gets well!

I'll have new things posted soon, but in the meantime, here are some other blogs to check out.


MotherT said...

What a good looking crew!!! God bless you all!

Dawn Shindoll said...

Aha! I see that Kevin put the pressure on you too. Okay, so now I have posted since you have and hopefully I will get back in the swing of things!!! I am so amazed at how your kids have grown up.

I bet you really missed having Mamma up and about. I hope she is doing well since her surgery! Tell them all hello for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey bro-

Thanks for the link love. I hope your wife gets better soon.